Monday, December 23, 2019

True or False: Thought Leaders

Thought leadership involves multiple strategies.

The concept of thought leadership appears to mean widely different things to companies that have decided to make it a primary corporate goal. One consensus definition involves answering the questions of consumers, buyers and readers on a consistent basis. But this approach should start with a critical question — what is the most effective way for thought leaders to do this?

One Practical Alternative: True or False Questions (and Explanations)

For a variety of reasons, a straightforward true-or-false format is often overlooked when publishing business content. Please keep in mind that using true or false statements in an extended business article is not the same thing as using T-F questions in an academic setting. With business writing (and thought leadership), the goal is to inform and educate — and T-F statements have the potential to do this effectively.

If you want an illustration, here is one that covers topics like zombie foreclosures and life after bankruptcy: Overcoming Personal Finance Challenges

Becoming an effective thought leader is a recurring challenge.